Theo is learning so much every day...and so are his parents. This blog is for family and friends who see him only occasionally but think of him daily.
Monday, August 22, 2005
Theo and Mom pose in front of the Cheat River

This picture was taken in Cooper's State Park in West Virginia. Mom was just a tiny bit nervous up here; the fence had gaps large enough for a small boy to fall through. As you can see, Theo wasn't much interested in taking a picture. He wanted to run around and make Mom even more nervous. After visiting this park, Mom was almost convinced that she wanted to move to West Virginia. It is a beautiful state.
Theo builds a lamb and a cow out of blocks

Theo loves to play with blocks. On any day, if you ask him, "What would you like to do today?" his most common response is, "Play blocks!" He likes to build bridges, mushrooms, bulldozers, and trains. One day, he decided to build a cow and a lamb. I hope the picture is large enough that you can appreciate the cow and the lamb in the bottom left corner. The lamb is the one with the red block for a body. Neither Mom nor Dad gave Theo any guidance in building these animals.