Sunday, March 29, 2009

We discover something exciting in Theo's mouth

Theo has his first loose tooth!

We told him about the Tooth Fairy. He says, "I know, maybe I'll keep it in an envelope so it'll be safe." He is really happy and excited about it too, because it makes him feel like he is really on his way with this growing up business. (I was going to write, "It makes him feel like a big boy," but that doesn't make him seem very big to me.)

Also, less happy but also located somewhat in the proximity of his mouth: there is a high possibility that we will need to have his adenoids removed. I've always noticed that he was a mouth-breather and that he always sounded clogged even without a cold. Recently, he's had two ear infections and strep throat, amounting to three courses of amoxicillin in four months. We went to the ENT doc just a few days ago, and sure enough his adenoids are in the way. He did a hearing test, and they used this instrument that measured the vibrations of the ear drum. The results said that in his right ear, there was dampening of the ear drum vibration because of excessive fluid behind the ear, which resulted in some hearing loss. The doc gave him a 10 day course of a cephalosporin to see if the fluid in his ear would clear. If it doesn't clear, then he's going to get a myringotomy as well.

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