Monday, January 09, 2006

Theo chooses a career

"Mama," he says, "when I grow up, I want to be a lion. And a monkey."

Also, in the car, Theo was singing "The Wheels on the Bus" and had this conversation with his dad:

Theo (singing): The wheels on the bus go swish swish swish, all through the town.
Dad (singing): All through the dish.
Theo: No, not the dish! Through the town!
Dad: All through the clown.
Theo: Not the clown! Through the town!
Dad: All through the gown.
Theo: Now the gown! The town!
Dad: All POO the town!
Theo (thinks a minute, and can't figure out how to explain): Dad, you are messing it up.
Dad: Well, you are messing it up too. The wheels go round and round, and the wipers go swish swish swish.
Theo sings: The wheels on the bus go round and round, all through the town. The wipers on the bus go swish swish swish, all through the town. And the dish!

Finally, we are still working on getting Theo to sleep in his car bed through the night. Yesterday we borrowed a library book, "My Own Big Bed" by Anna Grossnickle Hines, one of our favorite children's authors. Who knows if it is helping. In the past few days, we have been able to get Theo to read books and fall asleep in the car bed, but he wakes up crying very loudly, and within a few minutes comes into our room still crying, and finds a space in the middle. Last night, he fell asleep in his car bed, then later started crying loudly. We heard him get up, open his door, open our door, then he closed our door, went back to his room, and shnuffled off to sleep! When I woke up this morning, he was still in his bed. What a big boy.


At 8:22 AM, Blogger Sheena MarĂ­a said...

Hi Jeneen,

(I also check out your blogs often. But hey- whaddya gonna do if you have, like, 6 kids? Will they each have their own blog, too?? =P)

Well, I can't imagine what kinda stuff I'ma go through with Thevy when it comes to bedtime, seeing as how she still sleeps in our bed! I suppose I'll cross that bridge when I get to it since she still has four more months of nursing. Hopefully, we'll be moved out by then (though I somehow doubt it) and that way, I'll be able to try and Ferberize her without having to worry about my parents - either disturbing my dad's sleep or having my mom make some negative comment about letting the baby cry.

But I think our next semi-obstacle will be teething. She still has no teeth yet, nor any signs of them.


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