Wednesday, September 06, 2006

The house with the garage and the back porch

We had a little trouble with the lighting in some of the pictures, because we had wide-open windows in the background and it was in the middle of the day. Dad helped them build it, and amazingly enough, it was pretty hard to knock down. I only saw one of the walls go down once, and it was easily fixed. I could fit it in lying down, and everytime I sat inside, Ruby would come inside and sit on me, and then I would have to holler for Dad to help me to escape.

It really reminds me of when I was small. I used to take the mattresses off of our (Kuya Casper and my) bunkbed and use it to build a playhouse on the couch.

We get a visit from a "grasshop"

It snuck into our backyard, and started gnawing on the old sunflower that we forgot to clean up. At first I was disappointment that I had forgotten to save the seeds for eating, then I realized that in my whole life I never really ate sunflower seeds for snacks, and for me the true value in the sunflower seeds is luring birds, squirrels, and "grasshops" to the backyard so that Theo and Ruby can see them.

Theo is learning what its real name is, but usually we have to remind him. There is a part of me that never wants him to get it exactly right.