Harvester ants are better than the small ants from our wall
Theo got an Antworks ant farm as an Easter present. It has a blue gel in it that serves as food, water, and shelter for the ants. We captured some teeny weeny ants from our wall, but they didn't seem that interested in the blue gel, and at night they all escaped through the air vents in the ant farm. Dad and I finally gave in and purchased harvester ants online, $4.00 for 25 of them. They arrived in a plastic vial in an envelope, and they weren't moving because they were cold. I dumped them immediately into the antfarm, and after they warmed up I discovered that we had actually been sent 26 ants and 1 of them was dead, so it worked out nicely. These are big ants that can't climb up the walls of the ant farm at the top where there is no gel. They are much easier to observe, and they can get a lot of work done in one night. So far they have made two connecting tunnels, and they don't hang out much on the surface. I'll try to post a picture sometime. Theo loves it and can spend quite a lot of time watching them. Ruby says, "I see the bugs." However, truth be told, I watch them more than anyone else does.
Theo is learning how to read. He knows the sounds that the individual letters make, but he still has a hard time putting them together. It stresses him out actually, and a lot of times he'll just say, "I don't want to read that word." However, sometimes he'll figure it out, and he is so proud of himself. I can tell that he feels like he is on the verge of something very important.