Thursday, March 23, 2006

Everybody else gets sick-eye

It was just as I feared. Ruby got conjunctivitis, and now I (Mom) have it. I've never had it in my life, and now here I am. I wonder if this means I have to take a few days off from Emed.

I need to get a new attitude about these little illnesses. Everytime my kids get sick, I start to feel worried and dysthymic. I don't feel like cooking, I undereat or overeat, all I want to do is surf the internet. It's not that we've ever had a truly threatening illness run through our house; it's more like it's one thing after another and we're constantly running at below optimum performance, because we're constantly wiping someone's nose, or we have to hold the kids down to get their eyedrops (which were worthless, but you don't know they're going to be worthless til you've tried), or every night you have to clean the carpet because the kid throws up his food two seconds after behaving perfectly fine. This morning I didn't want to get out of bed, because I felt the stickiness in my eye, and I know exactly what happened to each of my children-they looked perfectly fine in the morning except for a little weepiness, but by the time the evening rolled around, eyelids were swollen (you can look at the picture below.) It wouldn't be so bad if I could hide in the house for the next four days, but I have to attend a suit-and-tie dinner with Dad tonight.

I just have to get over it, but it would help if I could find my inner cheerleader.


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